Raghunathpur college

P.O : Raghunathpur, Dist.: Purulia 723133 (W.B)

Visitor Count: 7585

International WEBINAR on "Significance of Human Rights during COVID-19 Pandemic: Issues and Challenges"

Recent COVID-19 break out around the world has instigated many thoughts and discussions all over. Human Rights is not an untouched periphery as well. This webinar intends to analyze the present situation in respect of human rights issues (in COVID-19 era) especially- the rights of women, Dalits, migrants, the role of media, government policies, etc. the objective of the webinar is to put up the current situation and to discuss the rights as well as the duties (of the citizens) in respect of human rights. The details of the webinar are given below - 

Date: 20.08.2020 & 21.08.2020

Time: 10:00 am(IST) - 1:30 pm(IST)

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