Category | Units |
Land & Building | |
Land Area (In Acres) | 27.88 acres |
Built Up Are: | 1500sq. m. |
Ply ground/Sports/games Area | 6000 sq. m. |
Teaching / Learning | |
Number of Class Rooms | 25 |
Number of Tutorial Rooms | Nil |
Number of Laboratories | 06 |
Number of Seminar Rooms | 01 |
Number of Conference Rooms | Nil |
Number of Committee Rooms | 01 |
Hostel | 01 |
Number seats in Boys Hostel | 60 |
Number seats in Girls Hostel | Nil |
Library | |
Seating capacity of Library Reading Room | 30 (approx) |
Number of Books in the Library | 26,836 |
Number of Journals subscribed | 07 |
Number of Multimedia literature | Nil |
ICT Infrastructure: | |
Number of PCs in Computer Centre | 21 |
Number of PIV or higher PCS | Nil |
Number of LAN Terminals | 03 |
WI fi connectivity | Nil |
Type & Speed of Internet Connectivity | Broad Band & as per BSNL specification |
Teaching Tools/Aids | |
Number of Television | Nil |
Number of OHPs | 01 |
Number of LCDs | 01 |
Number of VCP/VCR | Nil |
Others | |
Auditorium | Grant received from UGC(Under Construction) |
Gymnasium | Nil |
Indoor Games | Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess, Badminton |
Sports Facilities | Playground & sports Materials for Cricket, Football and Athlelitics |
Number of Houses for Teachers | Grant received from UGC |
Number of Rooms in Guest House | 01 |
Number of Common Rooms for Students | 02 |
Health Center/Medical center | 01 |
Number of Cubicles / Rooms for Teachers | 07 |
Common Rooms for teachers | 01 |
Canteen for Students | 01 |
Transport facility for students | Nil